Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Many people ignoring Anunnaki as a fundamental bone of Sumer civilization. A civilization, which is beginning of all civilizations, including ours, today, right now, but it began over 6.000 yrs ago before B.C., as the first one on Earth.

Meaning and interpretation the word Anunnaki (Anunnaqi) in following cultures.

ANUNNAKI - in shorter form AN, a "terrifying splendor", meaning of gold, as "Golden Age" in Sumerian myth. It was a standard word for "kingship", as AN, the founder of their "Golden Age", a prosperity time, also associated with Anunnaki's mission in search for gold.

ANUNNAKI, - AN, also known as ANACHIN (Anakim - a giant), which means also "we" in English.

"AN," is also interpreted as "Heaven".
"NAKI", mean "clean" (pure).

Meaning Anunannki in Sumerian language translates as, "we are from heaven" or (we are giants from heaven), Heaven mean also a sky in Sumerian, other way, "we are a pure-clean giant kings from heaven".

AN, was also known to Sumerian as ANU, who had wife ANTU and son ENLIL.

Pronunciation of Anunaki sound like Anunnaqi (with QI at the end), where QI, means EA, which translate to modern English as Earth.

Also ENQI (Enki), other son of Anu, with "QI", two letters at the end of the word, mean "King of Earth". That's why Christians called him a God, but deny Sumerian culture, where actually he was know as a chief warrior or heavenly being as alien, not a god...

Other reason for this was, the Sumerian associated ANU (AN) with SATURN planet, so ANU became a chief-god of Saturn, also known as "chief of heavenly wars".

He could give life or take a way, he was known as "Sun-God", because Saturn was recognized as never dying planet in ancient Sumer.

Babylonian, interpret name ANU, as SHAMASH, mostly cause of their different dialect, also known as "Sun-God", of Saturn (still had been using both names).

SHAMASH, also translate as "White House" (the Sun god, as pure as Sun god's House). For Babylonian, the SUN means also SIN, as Moon-God (he had to work during the night as well, so he gain another name SIN, which Christians late interpreted as evil).

In ancient Persia, Saturn, became known a Zurvan, the "King and Lord of the Long Dominion".

In ancient Iran, Saturn was named as the God-King-Yima, a transcript of the Hindu Yama, also know as founder of the "Golden Age", which was strongly linked with Saturn.
Then, Hindu named Saturn as Arka, meaning of "the Star of the Sun" (again, another local dialect).

Even ancient Chinese of the Taoist religion identified planet Saturn with God Fetu-Tea, known as the "King of the planet Saturn".

The first ancient Hebrew recognized their race as Suturnian, 'sons of Sun', when they lived under the rule of El.

They translate Anunnaki, as ANAKI, a giants living on Earth, describing them also as beings from heaven, which were much taller than average human, that's also the reason why they called them a gods.

Hebrew also called the Anunnaki, the Nephilim, (this word is recored in Bible with the same meaning), known as "falling down from heaven (sky) on earth", or extraterrestrial beings (giants) on earth. A race which was ... a new generation of semi-gods (demi-gods), also known as "fallen angels" (fallen beings). In order for them to disguise their true identity, they wear masks, head-wears in some case body-wear as decorations representing of birds, cats, falcons, lions, lizards, etc in public.

This idea was followed by many other ancient civilizations, which is preserved today in art and artifacts. Some of today primitive African tribes in their believes as tradition this is still consider as necessity of decorating their bodies to gain a social status on the images of their gods as their creators and protectors.

To many of them the Saturn planet was (is) also known as "the Best Sun", a true Sun planet, which never die, where only gods can live. For them Saturn is representing day and night, life and death as the only one planet.

Mayas and Incas, of South-Central America, followed the same idea, accept, they changed Saturn to Sun as a main planet, but still left name AN, known as the "ruler the world", which was recognized also with "Golden Life", an early morning and late evening hours of each day. They called Sun a Huracan (Quetzalcoati).

Ancient Egypt.

Egyptians translate Anunnaki, as AN-AMUM (King of Heaven on Earth).
This name was changed later to, AMUM (Amen, Amon, Ammon), than took form AMEN-RA (RE), than became known as, ATUM-RA, in shorter version known as god RA.
The ancient Egyptians renamed the "Sun-God-AN" (Anu, Shamash), to ATUM-RA (Atum-Re), as their translation from Sumerian language to Egyptian, they mis-translate word "Sun" for planet Sun, that's how RA became a god of planet Sun as one who brings "Golden Life-splendor of each morning day". (Similar interpretation to Inka and Maya).
Anunnaki here also known to ancient Egyptian as ANUKET (Anukis, Anqet), it was a female type, known as "Divine wife of the God Kham", associate with the Nile Cataracts, Aswa and Elopantine Island.

Other sample of Egyptian god, ANUBIS (was taken from Sumerian god-Anu, who also wear animal mask among the mortals), but this time he gain head of jackal or dog, known as the "Judge of the Dead".

The masks and head-wears were a very important aspect of Ancient Egypt, of their burial and life time, in addition to recognized the body during the life-time and after-death.

....this is only a very small sample of what is recorded detailed in written on millions of clay tablets, preserved in the basements of the British Museum and others around the world. Hopefully some day they will be displayed to the public.

Ref : Names, names, names ...

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